Thursday, October 9, 2008

IOANNINA Greek Bred Queen Bees

IOANNINA Greek Centre

The family who produce the queen bees, from left
Jim ,Panagiotis Skarleas,Labrini Skarlea (child, Margarita-Maria Skarlea) John , Margarita , Maria Iskou,Zacharias

The city of Ioannina (pronounced yo-an-inaa) population 100,000 at 500m altitude, built on the bank of Lake Pamvotis, with the Pindos mountains in the background.

The bee centre is located close to the village of Katsikas 8km from the city of Ioannina

Along with queen bees the centre also produces royal jelly, honey, pollen, and propolis.

Artificial insemination equipment in the bee lab which is also used for monitoring bee health.

Inside the Bee House with 317 permanently accommodated hives, for grafting, cell raising & finishing, incubation, drone, and royal jelly production.

The queens are freely mated from some 2000 mini nucs placed in fields surrounding the main bee house.

Strong 5 frame mini nuclei with polythene between frames and lid.

Cages of different races are organized and recorded before placed in boxes.

Here is a batch of the smaller traveling boxes (up to 50 queens)the larger taking 100 queen bees. The bees stay quieter in the darkness of the box which has damp sponge placed inside for humidity.

Traveling boxes are placed in shaded ventilated bags that are sent in the cool of the evening to Athens airport.

EST   1991- 2021

Reply to Comments - The Greek Centre Ioannina


JRLopez said...

Is it possible to have some queen bees shipped to puerto rico?? I tried to access the webpage posted but it appears blank. please email me at

Hameed's Garden said...

Hi Is it possible to post me a queen bee now?

I lost all bees & Queen during last cold winter. I have another hive with bees and no queen as a result of swarming. If that OK? more member of Newcastle beekeeping asking about bees to start for next year. I look forward to your reply

Best regards

Hameed Haykal


Tel/fax & Voice 01912659328

Unknown said...

Hi do you have any queens for sale now I'm looking for 20 can you send me details prices etc you can email me at or call me on 07852334503

Jess K. said...

Really interesting. I've been thinking of relocating to Greece through investment I'm a beekeeper myself (currently in Bristol) and want to have a try with 10 hives in Greece

Unknown said...

Contact tel mob?

Unknown said...

Contact tel mob?
Contact me: